Monday 7 December 2009

Lou Thesz

Lou Thesz - signed 10x8

Legendary wrestler who began his career in the 1930s. He held the NWA Heavyweight Title six times which had a combined reign of 10 years, 3 months and 9 days - which is longer then any other wrestler in history.

A number of wrestling moves were credited to have been invented by him including the belly to back waistlock suplex (later known as the German Suplex), the Lou Thesz Press (later used by Steve Austin), STF and the original powerbomb.

He officially retired in 1979 and remained retired for the most part. He wrestled his last match on December 26th, 1990 at the age of 74 against Masahiro Chano.

Lou Thesz passed away in 2002.

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